kvepalu degustacija

Tasting of niche perfumes

Niche perfume tasting!
Perfume - this is what everyone should know about. There are no women who do not like perfume, there are women who have not yet discovered their own scent!
You will definitely discover your aroma during the tasting!

What is it?
During the perfume tasting, I come to you with all the scents I have! There are more than 300 different ones.
I tell you about all the matures, fragrances, port news, and present trends.

I help you discover and understand exactly which scents are right for you! This time is not only fragrant and cozy, but also useful!

I go to birthday parties, bachelorette parties, company events, hangouts with a group of friends!

You have the opportunity to test all the scents, consult and, of course, immediately purchase the desired quantity of the scent you like

The duration of the event is 2-3 hours.

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 results

Kas tai yra? Kvepalų degustacijos metu atvykstu pas Jus su visais savo turimais kvapais! Jų yra skirtingų daugiau nei 300 vnt. Papasakoju apie visus brandus, kvapus, uostome naujienas, pristatau tendencijas. Padedu atrasti ir suprasti, kokie būtent kvapai yra tinkami Jums! Šis laikas būna ne tik kvapnus ir jaukus, bet taip pat ir naudingas! Vykstu į gimtadienio šventes, mergvakarius, įmonės renginius, pasisedėjimus su draugų kompanija! Jūs turite galimybę išsitestuoti visus kvapus, pasitarti ir žinoma iškarto įsigyti patikusio kvapo norimą kiekį Renginio trukmė 2-3 val.
Tasting of niche perfumes Tasting of niche perfumes
Nišinių kvepalų degustacija

Tasting of niche perfumes
